Conan Mini-séries et one-shots

Publié le par BBlackwolf


Mini-séries : Conan the barbarian



Conan the barbarian -

Stalker of the Woods #1-3 (1997 )

Conan the barbarian -

 The Usurper #1-3 (1997-1998)

Conan the barbarian -

 Lord of the Spiders #1-3 (1998)

Conan the barbarian - 

Lord of the Spiders #1-3 (1998)

Conan the barbarian - 

The Return of Styrm #1-3 (1998)

Conan the barbarian -

Scarlet Sword #1-3 (1998-1999)

Conan the barbarian -

Death Covered in Gold #1-3 (1999 Retour de John Buscema )

Conan the barbarian -

The Flame and the Fiend #1-3 (2000)

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Publié dans Conan Comics USA

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